Organized Massacre Armenians

Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs denied there was an organized massacre of Armenians, man Christians were killed and wounded

Constantinople, March 11 – Turkish minister of foreign affairs Safa Bey, discussed the Marash tragedy and Calician situation with the Associated Press.  He emphatically denied there was an organized massacre of the Armenians, but said one or two hundred non-combatants, Muslemens as well as Christians were killed or wounded.  He said it must be remembered that of 20,000 Armenians in the Marash district, more than half evacuated with French ____ left the city later.  He declared there had been no offense against the Christian population of Asia Minor since the Armistice, except the collision at Marash.


Many Villages Beseiged

London March 11. – Zeitung, Humit, and various other Armenian villages in Cilicia have been besieged by Turkish bands for the last ten days, according to a dispatch received from diplomatic sources.  It says the Armenians have thus far been able to defend themselves.

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