New York, September 17, The Turks have resumed their attacks upon the Armenians and the very existence of the national is in danger according to a cable message received by the American committee for the independence of Armenia and made public here today. The message was sent by the Paris representative of the Armenia republic, transmitting information received from his government. Forces of Turks, Tartars and Kurds are surrounding Armenia, the message says, and the Armenian soldiers have been forced to surrender one province after a hard struggle; overwhelmed by numbers and short of munitions. An urgent appeal is made for 10,000 American soldiers and the necessary equipment for 30,000 Armenian volunteers. Mustapha Kemal, who was arrested last January and charged with being responsible for massacres of Greeks in Asia Minor, is at the head of the Turkish forces. Today’s message said; ‘Telegram today from Armenian government states that Turkish Tartar threat against Armenia is under way of realization. Mustapha Kemal’s regular troops, assisted by Turkish Tartar bands and Kurdish crews, have started surrounding the Armenian republic. Our troops were forced to abandon Nakh-Itchevan province after a hard struggle on account lack munitions and owing to enemy superior forces. Population this province recently returned to its homesteads now at mercy of invaders. Two divisions of Mustapha Kemal attacking Sari-Kamisch and Kaghisman. Tartar and Kurdish bands attacked Koulp, which was evacuated by Armenian forces retiring on Igdir, which also now threatened. Owing to advance Turkish forces population of Kars district, together with refugees living there, escaped toward Erivan. Occupation of all this district by Turks imminent. Our numerous steps with the conference have remained fruitless. We now ask your committee to appeal to great and noble American people and government so that all possible be done to assist us at once. Urgent that 10,000 soldiers be sent immediately with necessary equipment for organization Armenian army of 30,000. If acted upon at once situation can be saved. Very existence and future of Armenian people depend upon your answer. We await most impatiently.’ In a statement issued with this message James W. Gerard, former ambassador to Germany and chairman of the American committee, charged that America, equally with France and Great-Britain, is responsible ‘for the revolting human tragedy that is now being enacted in Armenia.’ The necessity of giving prompt aid to the Armenians was based by Mr. Gerard on national interest.