Several Assaults on British Positions North of loos are made by Teutons in Endeavor to Retake Ground Lost in First Few Days of Drive-German Press Claims Armenians are Not Being Massacred.- Italian Troops are Defeated by Austrians on Mount Persailbe and Have to Evacuate Fortified Position
LONDON, Oct. 11.- The censorship prevailing in England is at present even more rigid than has been the case of late, This is taken to be an indication that heavy fighting is going on along the Western front. Its known that the Germans are launching counter attacks at the British front near Loons in an endeavor to regain the ground lost in the first few days of the Allies drive.
General von Hindenberg is reported as making slow advance against the Russions in front of Dvinsk.
BERLIN, Oct. 11.- Writers in the German press take the position that it is Turkey’s own affair how she treats the Armenians. Military measure undertaken against uprising, they assert, cannot be termed massacres.
VIENNA, Oct. 11.- On Mount Persalbe, south of the Drave river, the Austrian forces have succeeded in compelling an abandonment of the positions recently held in force by the italians.