Hold Russia for Armenian Trouble


Revolts Against Government Inspired by Enemy, Says Turkish White Book

Berlin, Feb. 20. An official Turkish white book, dealing with the alleged Armenian massacres, has been issued. These massacres have been the subject of representations to the Turkish government by United States Minister Morgenthau.

In the contention herewith presented. Turkey declares that Armenians armed by Russia, burned towns and killed civilians.

The official document says:

“As regards the reaction which co-operation of the Armenians with armed enemies of the realm was bound to produce, this did not prevent the Armenians, blinded by hatred and false expectations of a Russo Franco English triumph, from resorting to revolutionary activity.

“Armenian recruits called to arms deserted in great numbers and having received weapons from Russia joined the armies of the czar.

“Some remained in Turkey, where they formed insurrectionary bands, of which the principal exploit was the massacre of all Mussulmen in the frontier region occupied by Russian troops.

“The Turkish commander, to protect the rear, moved the Armenian population to the south. Secret Armenian societies, allowed to survive by assuming the shape of political parties remained essentially revolutionary in character. Their former activity was multiplied by almost every Armenian in existence.

“The empire, after a time, was literally honeycombed with poisonous organizations, which transformed the very portion of the country where Armenians lived into secret revolutionary headquarters.

“As to assertions these measures were taken by the imperial government at the suggestion of certain powers, they are absolutely without foundation. The imperial government was firmly resolved to maintain absolute control of the situation. In 1912 Armenians fired upon a party of gendarmes on patrol duty in the neighborhood of Haiean, occupying the road between Van and Bitlys.

“They cut the telegraph wires connecting the two military centers, Armenian soldiers deserted and formed bands of brigands, which captured the government of Zeltoon and massacred Mussulman officials and population irrespective of age. Researches conducted in the town of Czaren disclosed bombs, gun powder, cipher codes and revolutionary documents and instructions as to forming of bands and duties of bands already formed. “Flags under which these bands fought bore inscriptions calling for deliverance from the Armenians.”

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