Captain J. Garabed, better known as “Joe the Turk,” will conduct special meetings Tuesday and Wednesday nights, under the auspices of the Salvation Army, at the corner of Second and Main streets, and also at the Salvation Army hall, 119 Lousiana street. The meetings on the street will begin at 7:30 p. m., and in the hall at 8:30 o’clock.
Captain Garaber was born of Armenian parentage in Constantinople, Turkey, but came to America 40 years ago. He immediately took out naturalization papers. He travels in the interest of the International Salvation Army and has been engaged in this work for 34 years.
At the meetings in this city he appears in full Turkish costume and plays selections on the saxophone, double cornet and Turkish drum. On Wednesday night he will display a Turkish two-edged sword and will speak upon the Armenian massacres by the Turks. He is thoroughly in sympathy with the allied nations, and especially the United States, and is opposed in common with these nations to the outrages of the Turks committed against the Armenians. Since the outbreak of the war he has traveled extensively in Italy, the Balkans and Turkey, and speaks intelligently upon the conditions in those countries. At Constantinople he was arrested and thrown into jail despite the fact that he was naturalized American citizen, and experienced some difficulty in obtaining his release.
This is Captain Garabed’s third visit to Little Rock, and he especially invites all his old acquaintances to come out and hear his message.