Puts Blame on Germany

That Country Can Stop Armenian Massacres, Says Viscount Bryce
London, Oct 15. “There is only one power that can stop the Armenian atrocities and
that is Germany’ declared Viscount Bryce at a meeting today at the Mansion House,
in support of the lord mayor’s fund in aid of the Armenian sufferers. He declared the
only remedy is to bring the pressure of world opinion, particularly of neutral
opinion, to bear on Germany and force her to take action. Viscount Bryce proposed a
resolution condemning the reported atrocities which, he said, exceeded anything in
the history of persecutions. He declared untrue the excuse offered by the Germans
for the Turks that Armenians had rebelled. Cardinal Bourne said that the evidence
was strong that even Germany was not able to deny the massacres. Neutrals, he said,
should follow the example of Pope Benedict, who wrote a personal protest and plea
to the sultan. Sir Edwin Pears, who had been the leader of the British bar in
Constantinople, said the persecution was not an article of Mohammedan faith and
that the massacres were deplored by the mass of the Turks.
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