Ambassador Morgenthau at Constantinople was instructed by cable today to inform the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs that public sentiment in the United States was so stirred by the reports of the Armenian atrocities that unless the massacres ceased friendly relations between the American people and the people of Turkey would be threatened.
Officials made it clear that this message, though its importance was by no means minimized, did not threaten a break in diplomatic relations. Turkey already has let it be known that she will not permit interference by any foreign power with her so-called “Armenian policy.” As American life or property has not been affected, the United States government, without submitting an official protest, merely informs Turkey of the effect continued Armenian atrocities would have upon the American people.
Secretary Lansing said today that no representations had been made to Germany regarding the treatment of the Armenians by the Turks. It was learned, however, that Ambassador Morgenthau had reported that the German Embassy at Constanople had filed a protest on this subject with the Turkish Foreign Office. An announcement some time ago stated that the State Department had asked Count von Bernstroff, the German Ambassador here, to bring the matter to the attention of his Foreign Office.
“All Americans Reported Safe.”
“Missionaries in the Van District of Persia Escape the Turks.”
(By A. P. Night Wire)
Boston, oct. 4.–Official report of the safety of American missionaries in the Van district of Persia as well as in Bitlis, was received today by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions from Ambassador Morgenthau at Constantinople, through the State Department at Washington.
There was a report that following the retreat of the Turks before the Russians in Persia a general massacre of American missionaries had taken place.
“Cannot Bring Armenians Here”
[By A. P. Night Write.]
Boston, Oct. 4.–The suggestion made recently by Ambassador Morgenthau at Constantinople that a large number of Armenians from Asiatic Turkey be brought to this country was declared today by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions to be inadvisable.
Speaking in behalf of the American board, Secretary James L. Barton said:
“Seems to us all that there are insepurable obstacles in the way of such a step. It would, under the present circumstances, be impossible to secure transportation for any considerable number, even if Turkey should permit them to emigrate. Our own immigration laws would prevent their landing.”
“Germans Give Allies’ Losses.”
[By Atlantic Cable and A. P]
Berlin, Oct. 4, (via London.)–A supplemental to the German’s official statement states that the French losses in killed, wounded and prisoners in recent fighting were at least 130,000, and those of the British 60,000, while the German losses were not one-fifth of this number
The German official estimate of the loss by the Entente allies of an aggregate of 190,000 men follow within a few days of official estimates of German casualties made by the French War Office, which declared in its statement of Friday, September 29, that the Germans had lost since the beginning of the allied offensive a total in killed, wounded and prisoners which amounted to “more than the effective strength of three army corps” or about 120,000 men.